Psychometrician and Psychologist Board Exam will be on July 2015

7:29 PM

Hi guys! I have received a lot of queries about the schedule of the Board and Licensure Exam for Psychologists and Psychometricians lately. So, to answer your questions here's a short update.


The Examination for Psychologists will be held on July 23 and 24, 2015.
Deadline for submission of requirements will be on July 3, 2015.
The Exam will only be held in Manila.

Subjects covered would be the following:
a. Advanced Theories of Personality
b. Advanced Abnormal Psychology
c. Advanced Psychological Assessment
d. Psychological Counseling Psychotherapy

The Examination for Psychometricians will be held on July 21 and 22, 2015
Deadline for filing requirements will be on July 1, 2015
The Exam will be held on Manila, Baguio, Cebu, Davao and Legaspi.

Subjects covered:
a. Theories of Personality
b. Abnormal Psychology
c. Psychological Assessment
d. Industrial Psychology

I got the following information from PRC and unless changed by the Board of Psychology will be the official update for the board exam this 2015. If you have questions regarding the requirements, schedule and other concerns call the following numbers (PRC):

      (632) 7362252 - Application for Examination
      (632) 3100026 - General Inquiries
      (632) 3102020 - Board Exam Rating
      (632) 3101027 - Initial Registration

      (632) 7351533 - Application for Registration & Licensing without Examination

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  1. Hi. I have a question/situation. I graduated with an industrial/clinical psych degree in the late 1980s. Can I still take the exam? THanks in advance

    1. Hi Mark! If you are practicing psychology since then, you may qualify to get the license without examination. But if not, you can still take the board exam as long as you completed all required board exam subjects before.

  2. hi,im tin. ive filed my application for registration without exam for psychologist and psychometrician last april 30, 2015 at PRC Lucena. when the approved resolutions came out last july 15, my name was not included...would that mean my application was not approved? or should I wait for it...thanks

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  4. Hi I'm Anna a graduate of AB Psychology yr. 2001 presently working in a Psychiatric hospital as a Occupational Therapy Tech. Just want to Inquire if I am qualified to take the board exam,I don't have any idea of what are the needed requirements to qualify for the exam..please help.
    I heard that I need to have masteral for me to take the board exam..your response would be a great help for me. Thank you


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